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Priceless Rootdefintion of a redneck Creative Rednecks defintion of a redneck speshul rednecks Rednecks Home also known as Priceless Root Priceless Root

If you have any current, quality pics of the action or soldiers in IRAQ, forward them to me for evaluation. If you include BIO info of any soldiers in the pics, I can add that to the image. Email links or photos to traffic"at"
(please send in either jpg or gif format)

in memory of our fallen troops
jet aircraft
running out of time
denial, misinformation, info minister, Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf
information minister, soldiers in Iraq, Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf

navy seals, marksman, rifle, terrorist, sand, military

Navy Seal Training $80K
50 caliber rifle $3K
Getting a terrorist in your crosshairs

Crater in IraqIraq Crater
wounded iraqi child
troop deployment, troops in iraq
troop deployment in Iraq
sandstorm, dust devil, military base in iraqsandstorm over base
sandstorm, desert storm, sandiraqi freedom, sand storm
desert sand storm, iraq basesand storms in iraq

B52 landing in Iraq
military force in iraqSupport Our Troops
Bomb raid iraqBomb raid in Iraq
United We Stand, troop support, pledge of allegiance
US Army SCUTR patrol, S.C.U.T.R

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