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US Navy Blue Angels

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blue angels Navy
Blue Angels
Blue Angels air show
Blue Angels
US Navy
Blue Angels
US Navy
Blue Angels
US Navy
Blue Angels
US Navy
Blue Angels
Blue Angels Air show
Blue Angels
Blue Angels C-130 Hercules
C-130T Hercules
US Navy
Blue Angels
Blue Angels upside down
Blue Angels
Blue Angles vertical flilght
Blue Angels
Blue Angels Photoshopped
formation flying
Blue Angels Formation flying
Blue Angels
US Navy, Old Glory
Blue Angels
US Navy Blue Angels
Blue Angels
US Navy
land air sea
Blue Angels
upside down

The Blue Angels The Blue Angels, the U.S. Naval Flight Demonstration Squadron (USNFDS), is a mix of formation flying and solo routines using F/A-18 Hornets. The pilots perform approximately 30 maneuvers during the aerial demonstration, which runs approximately an hour and 15 minutes. Demonstration sites are selected to support the objectives of the Department of Defense and the interest of the armed services with safety as the primary consideration. Performances greatly assist the recruiting and retention goals of the military services, enhance esprit de corps among uniformed men and women, as well as demonstrate the professional skills and capabilities of the armed forces to the American public and U.S. Allies. The Blue Angels serve as positive role models and goodwill ambassadors for the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps.

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