A Christmas Tree for Santa
An Original Christmas Story
Daniel 'Chip' Ciammaichella
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Charlie didn't notice that Shannon had turned a short distance away, watching him with a twinkle in her eyes. She knew he had a crush on her. It wasn't something he hid very well. The thought made her both uncomfortable and flattered all at the same time. Though she had known Charlie for nearly ten years, she had never gotten to know him that well. They never had the same circle of friends and rarely met outside of business related functions. Shannon knew she could always count on him to help out when she had a problem requiring someone with his skills and experience, and she had always reciprocated by throwing some bank business his way. When he was doing work for the bank he never failed to drop by her office to chat for awhile, always bright and cheerful, which ran counter to the rumor mill wisdom that made him out to be a grouchy bully. He had always treated her with respect and gentleness, and somehow she knew that was the real Charlie.
Shannon had never really considered getting into a relationship with another man since her divorce and a few painful relationships afterward. Her children and her career were the most important things to her, and while she missed having a man to share her life with, she didn't miss the pain that caring for one always seemed to bring her. She felt comfortable around Charlie...safe even, but she was always careful not to give him any signals that might lead him on. He had made a few shy attempts to show her that he cared for her, sometimes sending her flowers or a card. She always thanked him, but never let him see how flattered and happy those gifts really made her.
As she watched him now, bringing such joy into the eyes of every child in the room, Shannon couldn't help but feel pride in him. Life had thrown him a lot of curve balls the past few years, and a lesser man would probably have sunk himself into a bottle of whiskey...but not Charlie. Despite his misfortunes he never quit fighting to rebuild his life, and more importantly, never quit giving of himself to help other people as he was now. She remembered the fierce pride that radiated from his eyes, overcoming the pain and hurt that usually resided in them, as he declined any payment for playing Santa Claus today. As much as she wanted to help him, she couldn't help but respect him and his wishes. She wished she could see that fire in his eyes more often.
Just then Charlie glanced over at her, noticed she was watching him, and turned away quickly, his blush obvious even behind the white Santa beard. Shannon couldn't help but giggle as she turned back to her duties, thinking, "He's so darn cute when he does that!"
As the afternoon began to grow late, the number of children gathered around Charlie began to slowly subside. After a while he was alone again. The few children remaining in the lobby had already seen him and were now enjoying cookies and punch at the refreshment table. Charlie stood and stretched, holding the beard carefully as he yawned. He turned to survey the remaining people in the bank, looking for Shannon in particular. He loved to watch her while she went about her work. She was always friendly and warm; giving everyone a smile and making them feel welcome. That smile was no painted on beauty queen smile either. It was genuine, and in Charlie's mind the all-time most beautiful smile he'd ever seen.
Charlie's mind got lost watching Shannon for only few moments before a slight tug on his sleeve brought him back to earth. He looked down to see a small girl with the biggest brown eyes he'd ever seen looking up at him shyly, but with no trace of fear.
"Are you really Santa Claus?" she whispered hopefully. Charlie let out a hearty Santa laugh and dropped down to one knee. "Well as a matter of fact I am...and I'll bet your name is...Mary?""Nope." "Jennifer?" "Nuh uh." "Crystal?""Wrong again, Santa!" Charlie rubbed his beard thoughtfully. "Oscar?" The little girl giggled and shook her head. "OK darlin', Santa must be getting old...help me out?" She giggled again before whispering "Wendy Garcia."
"WENDY! I knew it!" Little Wendy giggled some more, then her big brown eyes turned serious. "Can I sit on your lap?" Charlie laughed again while sitting down into his chair and patting his knee. "Climb aboard Miss Wendy Garcia!" Charlie helped her up onto his knee and waited while she settled in before asking, "What can Santa do for you this fine afternoon, Wendy?""Well I need to ask you for something.""Ask away young lady. What can Santa get you for Christmas this year?""A Christmas tree," she said matter-of-factly.
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